Monday, April 5, 2010

Order of buisness

Hey guys, it’s me again, just you’re friendly neighborhood Pikachao. There are two orders of business today, but don’t worry, I didn’t bring a boring slideshow for you to have to painstakingly scroll past (I know your type, I’ve got my eyes on you.)

Instead I’ll do it with a long paragraph of uninterrupted text with little to no pictures, doesn’t that sound great? Yeah I think it does too. So without further ado, I present to you, the incomparable, order of business:

Order of business number one: You guys have no clue what my art looks like. I haven’t posted any of my art work yet, the only pictures you’ve seen were of painted eggs. Well I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer, for here is my art:

Pretty dang exciting huh?

If you haven’t been able to tell now, I draw furries, in all their glorious action. I like faces the best. As for my skill, I’m not the best yet, I can draw them facing forward and slightly at an angle, but that’s it. Side views have proven extremely difficult. So…yeah, expect to see furries from me, ‘cause humans are not my favorite thing to draw.

Speaking of humans

Order of business number two: You know that one friend of mine, the one who I actually do discuss art with? (It was at the bottom of the first post)


You don’t?

Oh, well she draws too, and we talk about art, and lately (yesterday) we talked about a possibility. Can you guess what it is?

Wrong! She might be joining up in the blog. Yeah we’re chatting with each other online and She was like: “Your blog’s cool.”

And I was like: “Yes it is.”

And she was like: “I wish I had one.”

And then I was like: “Join mine.”

And she was like: “I’ll…think about it.”

I won’t know until later today, so I might be wrong, but hey, won’t that be fun? now I can do less work.

I can tell you now that both her drawing and writing style are vastly different than my own. Not only do I get to do less work, you get more variety, win-win-win. See, unlike me, she actually can draw humans. For example, I have this one picture that she drew of one of my characters.

(I might get in trouble for putting this up, I have yet to get actual permission to put her picture on here *Crosses Fingers*)
Isn’t it just great?

Yeah, I think so as well.

Yeah, I’m not getting my hopes up or anything, but now wouldn’t that just be cool, I’ll have a partner in blogging crime, that way if we get caught, she’s the one getting the blame. So, everyone knock on wood, cross your fingers, and wear your Pajama’s inside out. Hopefully that will be enough, but I have my lucky rabbit’s foot as an extra precaution.

Thank you and Namaste,


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